Healing Tree Counselling Services
- Addictions counselling
- Relationship counselling
- Crisis counselling
- Individual counselling
- Sliding Scale
- LGBQ+ Affirming
- Trans Affirming
- Remote services
The Healing Tree provides counselling to individuals, couples, families, and youth. We offer in person services to clients located in the greater Nanaimo area, as well as online services to clients across BC. We emphasize a holistic health approach, taking into account the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual aspects of well-being.
Area of expertise include anxiety, depression, addiction, codependency, low-self esteem, borderline personality disorder, workplace stress, chronic pain, and communication/relationship issues. Evening and weekend appointments are available upon request.
Want to learn more about this service’s work with Two-Spirit, trans, LGBQ+ people?
We invite all service providers listed on MindMapBC to answer the following questions. These questions were developed in collaboration with community members, researchers, and mental health and other service providers. They're intended to help us understand what a service provider or organization is doing to affirm and support sexual and gender diverse service users.
See below for responses for this listing.
Want to learn more about our screening questions and filters?
Do you collect and use preferred names (rather than legal names) for all communications?
The Healing Tree use the Jane Online booking app which allows clients to list preferred names and pronouns.
Are the forms used in your practice inclusive of various sexual orientations and gender identities (e.g., opportunities to fill in pronouns, etc.)?
See above.
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for trans individuals accessing your services?
Are you and your colleagues comfortable asking relevant questions about gender identity and sexual orientation?
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for Two-Spirit, queer, or trans Indigenous individuals accessing your services?
Do you offer Indigenous 2S/LGBTQ+ specific resources, for example Indigenous Elders or Knowledge Keepers?
Can you and your colleagues distinguish gender/identity dysphoria/distress from mental health conditions?
Are you and your colleagues aware of what specific barriers may exist for LGBQ individuals accessing your services?
Do you and your colleagues ask clients about pronouns and use them appropriately?
Does your practice have gender-neutral washrooms?
Yes, one washroom that is gender neutral.
Are there clear anti-discrimination policies that include gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation in your organization or practice?
I'm the owner and sole employee. Being a BIPOC therapist who has experienced discrimination myself, I operate using an anti-oppressive, anti-discrimination lens.
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in anti-racist practices, policies, and systems in their care model?
Are all individuals involved in service provision actively engaged in decolonizing their practices and/or organization? If yes, please type below what actions you and/or your organization are taking.
I live on Vancouver Island where there is a large Indigenous population. For my Master's degree, I wrote a paper on the importance of adopting decolonization policy when working with Indigenous clients. I'm a strong advocate for social justice practices, and have created a presentation on social justice that I shared with colleagues.
755 Terminal Avenue
Nanaimo , BC
V9S 4K1
Last updated: August 19, 2022
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